Unity - Essential Hotkeys


Q - Pan
W - Move
E - Rotate
R - Scale
T - Rect Tool
Z - Pivot Mode toggle
X - Pivot Rotation Toggle
V - Vertex Snap


Ctrl/Cmd+Z - Undo
Ctrl+Y (Windows only) - Redo
Ctrl+X - Cut
CtrlC - Copy
CtrlV - Paste
Ctrl+D - Duplicate
Shift+Del - Delete
F - Frame selection up close
Ctrl+Alt+F - Frame in front of us in the center of viewport
Ctrl - Find
Ctrl+A - Select All
Ctrl+P - Play
Ctrl+Shift+P - Pause
Ctrl+Alt+P - Step
CTRL+2 - Game View
CTRL+6 - Animation
CTRL+9 - Asset Store
CTRL+Shift+C - Console

Game Animation

CTRL+P - Play
CTRL+Shift+P - Pause


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